As a Waste Recycling System Supplier, we want to say that Under the concept of sustainable development, urban domestic waste treatment methods should follow these:
(1) Reduce unnecessary urban living garbage
To achieve sustainable development of urban waste treatment, we must first start from its source, that is, control the generation of unnecessary garbage in life, and promote the reduction of waste. The main measures are to change the structure of the use of fuel in urban life, vigorously promote the promotion of clean energy, and popularize the advantages and benefits of clean energy, such as natural gas, so as to reduce the ash produced by coal burning in waste, thereby reducing waste production. The role. In addition, there is a need to continuously reduce the use of disposable products in daily life.
(2) Improve the classification and collection of garbage and the level of harmless treatment
The changes in the composition of municipal solid waste and the development of social economy put forward requirements for the recycling of garbage. Garbage separation and collection by the Waste Recycling Equipment Manufacturer is the basis of garbage collection. Each city should propose a waste classification scheme according to the actual situation and gradually promote the collection of waste separation.
(3) Urban domestic waste should be gradually resourced
Due to the large number of cities in China, the size of the city and the level of economic development are quite different, and the composition of garbage is also different. The residents' awareness of environmental protection and their understanding of garbage classification are limited. The realization of the resource utilization of urban domestic waste disposal is a gradual process, which should be implemented in accordance with the step-by-step procedure.
